Many dentists hate the word “Selling” when it comes to dentistry. It’s either because they had a bad experience with a salesperson or simply because they want to been seen more professional.

In order to increase your treatment plan acceptance rate, you must build trust & rapport with your patient.

It usually takes 7-10 seconds for a person to judge, or make thousands of assumptions about you. Which means in the first 7-10 seconds, your patient will know if they will trust you and accept your treatment plan.

The question:

“What can I do in 7-10 seconds to gain my patient’s trust?”

Well, we are glad you asked that!

Here are 7 key points that will help you build trust and rapport, and ultimately help you increase your treatment acceptance rate!

1. Greeting:

Be Happy! Smile! When meeting your patient for the first time, a simple smile is a deal breaker. A person’s smile is critical for people’s perceptions. A warm, genuine smile communicates feelings that words alone cannot convey. A great, confident smile radiates warmth and allows people to feel at ease and makes a great first impression. A smile transmits confidence and, professionalism even if you’re faking it.

2. Eye contact:

Always try to have eye contact with your patient. Eye contact connects you to your patient. But careful, Do not make it awkward! There is a difference between eye contact and staring! Eye contact makes you engaged in a silent conversation while staring is more for visual information – away one street.

3. Hand Shake:

A firm hand-shake is the perfect way to build trust. Not too soft, not too hard! A good hand-shake is a very powerful tool! Always remember, It takes many hours of communication to build the same amount of rapport that you can build with a firm hand-shake.

4. Name:

Personalize your patient’s experience! Make it your mission to at least repeat 2-3 times your patient’s name during your conversation!

“Nice to meet you, _____”

“It was a pleasure meeting you, _______”

smiling lady

5. Posture:

Show confidence! Let yourself be trusted. You must show your competence, wisdom, and authority with your posture!

6. Personal Space:

Take on account every person has a personal bubble. If you invade your patient’s bubble before actually checking them, you will make them feel uncomfortable. Don’t be that guy!

7. Listening:

Listen to your patient! personalize your treatment plan to help your patient, not yourself! This is where most dentists make a mistake, they want to “close” a huge treatment worth $10,000 when patient can only afford $5,000 for now. Never sell something that your patient doesn’t want or cant afford.


Let us know how these simple tips may help you increase your treatment acceptance rate!