Branding Your Practice Through Social Media

Importance of Social Media for Dental Offices

Experienced marketers know the value of social media. They create sophisticated campaigns to reach a niche audience on these platforms. Most dentists don’t realize just how beneficial this marketing strategy can be for their practice. Here’s a look at the importance of social media marketing for dentists:

Branding a Dental Practice

Social media is the only platform that can help you build a brand. When it comes to building a brand for a dental office, you need to answer a few questions about yourself. How do you want to be portrait? What is your philosophy of care? What kind of audience do you want to attract? What brand outside dentistry do you like enough to make it your own by uniting it with your dental office? This will give you an idea of who do you want to be in Social Media.

It Allows You to Connect with The Audience Through Content

Social media is a great way to establish an organic connection with your prospective patients. You can post informative long-form articles on Facebook, post before and after pictures on Instagram, and create videos for YouTube.

People are always looking for information online. Social media allows users to see this content and also interact with it. They can comment, like, and share the content, which gives your dental practice more visibility. Make sure your content is informative and well-written for best results. It is also important to post regularly.

The Benefit of Analytics

Most social media platforms provide rich analytics facilities. This allows you to study user behavior. You can check when they use mobile phones, how they share when they’re most active, and where they are from. Analytics data is a gold mine of information, which you can use to craft better marketing strategies. Social media provides unique insights into user behavior compared to other platforms like Google.

The Best Targeting Options

You don’t need to display your paid ads to everyone indiscriminately. That is a waste of resources and doesn’t provide much ROI. One of the most notable benefits of social media is the functionality to target a unique audience based on parameters like location, income, gender, age, likes, and interests. This will make your target ad to be more successful when reaching the right people interested in your services.


Most social media platforms have adopted hashtags. This facility allows users to easily find the content or accounts they’re searching. For example, a person looking for a children’s dentist will search the relevant tags. You can utilize hashtags to make it easier for people to find you and they bring in a lot of traffic when used correctly. Optimize your business page hashtags to attract attention from the right audience.

Tip: Learn about your followers or kind of patients you want to attract and see what kind of hashtags they are using!

Establish Credibility – Trust in Your Brand

Social media makes it easier to establish credibility and visibility. A combination of content and active interaction with users can help improve your reputation. If your prospective patients are more familiar with your practice, they’re more likely to visit your clinic over others. Building trust and familiarity with patients gives you a steady base.

This credibility isn’t easy to achieve on other platforms. You need to use complex techniques like backlinking and sophisticated content marketing to get the best results. Social media, especially platforms like Facebook and Twitter, don’t require much effort.

In addition to people becoming familiar with your practice, before and after pictures will help you build credibility towards your services. People will understand your strengths and concentrations translating into appointments of the audience you want. Be aware that if you want to be portrayed as a cosmetic dentist, your pictures must be high-quality! We recommend taking a CE for Dental Photography.

Gives A Dental Practice A Human Quality

No one really likes visiting a dentist and most have a distant relationship with these professionals. This doesn’t encourage loyalty to a particular practice, which means you can lose a patient quickly. Active social media accounts give dental clinics a face and personality. You can engage social media users through humor and information on a regular basis. This can help you establish a brand. Be sure to plan out this process carefully and double check how you comment or interact. People online have a strong memory for mistakes and you don’t want to do anything to jeopardize your reputation.

A great social media strategy offers great returns and can help you stand apart from competitors. While this form of online dental marketing is easier than some other options, it still requires some time and dedication. If you have room in your budget, consider hiring a professional social media manager for the job. They will help build your reputation and maintain a solid presence on these platforms; however, they will still need the help from your office to get pictures and videos!

For any more information about dental marketing or social media for dental offices, feel free to call Geek Dental Marketing at (954) 681-5824. You can also send us queries or project requirement details via the Get Started form.