A Dental Administrative Analysis is a global standard business framework used by millions of people in companies of all sizes. We can use the canvas methodologies to describe, design, challenge and pivot your business model to your dental practice. It works in conjunction with the Value Proposition Canvas and other strategic management and execution tools and processes to let you have a better visual of your practice as a business.
Most dentists try to start their dental practices without a vision or strategic analysis – which is why they take years to grow and become successful. With our Canvas model methodologies, the dentist can be on top of their dental practice without being so lost or frustrated about a load of information.
We’ll start with a complimentary consultation to see how is your practice. We will be asking a series of questions (Checklist) that will be our diagnostic. These key questions will let us know how is your dental practice running and what are the fields you may need to grow your practice. After we are done with our analysis, we will be able to tell you what are the things you need in your practice to run it efficiently.
After we understand the operations and current status of your dental practice, we will be able to create the Canvas Business Model for your practice – This model requires time and quite a load of information from your side to make it efficiently.
Request Your Business Model

If you’re improving an existing dental practice or launching a new startup dental practice, you’re facing one big challenge. How do you build a strong, profitable business model that can compete in today’s market? Millions of people worldwide use these proven methods to do exactly that – Let us help you build your model so you can know exactly what you need to do to; save money, bring more patients, key interactions that may increase your office, create a value for your services, and grow your practice overall!
How Canvas Works?
Explaination Video by Stratagyzer
What’s the business model? – Let us map a model for your dental practice
Most dentists have a hard time describing their business model, due to a lack of shared language. We’ll create and show you how to create your own map your model using the global standard Business Model Canvas. Once we complete your model, you’ll have a one-page map of exactly how you create and capture value.
What does the market look like? – Scan the Environment & Potential Competitors
Every business model – including yours – gets pressure from various forces in its environment. We’ll help you scan your environment and dental competitors to identify possible threats, big opportunities, and fill in your blind-spots. Helping you create a focus action on how to deal with each one.
Where can you compete? – Find Unique Value For Your Practice
You’ll have to choose your battles. Our tools will help uncover key opportunities to differentiate your dental office from your competition.
How do you know if your model is any good? – Assessing Quality
Capturing a business model can be easy, but knowing what to improve on can be hard. You’ll use seven key assessments to identify opportunities for improvement.
How can you Improve? – Prototype Services, Marketing Strategies, and more!
You know where you are, and what needs to improve to succeed – how do you close the gap? Here you’ll learn techniques to develop cheap, quick prototypes of business model ideas. Armed with these tools, you’ll be surprised at how fast you can generate options.
Request a FREE Quote!
We’d love to work on your project
Please send us a message to understand your project! We would love to help you grow your practice with our strategic marketing skills. Tell us about your goals and vision for your office.
(954) 681-5824
1395 Brickell Ave Suite #800, Miami, FL 33131