Instagram Paid Ads

Social Media Marketing for Dental Offices

Instagram Dental Marketing

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Why Instagram?

With more than 1 billion active users, Instagram is a leading social media platform. It is a powerful visual tool worth adding to any practice’s social media marketing. The next big thing for dentists seeking to improve their online presence.

Pay-to-Play Instagram

  • Ads run on Instagram generates visibility and engagement, resulting in greater leads.
  • It puts your practice in front of potential patients.
  • Highlights your practice’s achievements and make the visitors believe that your clinic is a great choice. Targeting your ads with the location, demographics, interests, and actions attracts clients nearby and helps you get recognized.

Benefits of Instagram ads?

  • Instagram ads are non-intrusive and less likely to annoy your targeted audience.
  • Engagement rate on Instagram in higher than the engagement rate on any other social network.
  • Instagram measures the success of your campaign based on awareness.
  • Everyone is socially online there.
  • In the case of ROI, Instagram returns the best results.
  • Effective and less time-consuming.

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Please send us a message to understand your project! We would love to help you grow your practice with our strategic marketing skills. Tell us about your goals and vision for your office.