Phone Conversion

Learn how to turn calls into patients


Understanding your Patients

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Phone Call Conversions

Scheduling appointments on the phone sound like a very easy task! Your staff looks like they are engaging with patients when the phone rings, but as a business owner, have you ever listened to the phone calls?

Geek Dental Marketing ® provides a comprehensive phone conversion coaching for your staff! Why should your staff need coaching? Simple! It is because every time the phone rings, your staff may not be converting the calls! As a Dental Practice owner, you invest so much money into marketing strategies that will get your patients to your doors, but sometimes, dental practice owners put the wrong staff member on the phones.

Understanding your Patients will help you Sell & Covert Calls.

Understanding who you are speaking to on the phone is one of the most crucial parts of phone conversion. Each type of patient may have a different way to get them to schedule an appointment. Let’s face it, most calls do not begin in “Can I Schedule an Appointment?” Most of your calls will be people looking for the best pricing, so how is the right way to convert these types of patients? Get started by having our expert dental coaches help your staff understand the types of patients and how to convert those patients into appointments.

different types of people

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