
1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This is a very important part of any dental practice. At one point, you will realize that you NEED SEO to keep your practice running. So, you probably are saying “I am doing mailers. I don’t need SEO” Well, you are WRONG.

80% of people now a days search for your services online – Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yelp, Dentist In Network, Health grades, and many more!

So it is IMPORTANT for you to show on TOP of the search results at the moment of NEED or DECISION MAKING.

Mailers will go to your patients, but most of the time, these mailers will caught people on different moments – which means they will throw your mailers away. You also have to consider that this new generation is all about technology. By 2020, all searches will be done by VOICE SEARCH, If you are not caught up with the trend, then you will go down quickly!

2) Create a Special

When prospective patients see your ad, the easiest thing for them to do is … nothing! Your marketing material should include a risk-free offer that gives patients a reason to call your practice. Offer a free report or guide that educates prospects, such as “10 Things You Need To Know Before Choosing a Dentist.”

In addition, you could offer a FREE Exam & X-rays – You are not going to loose money. The point of this is to capture the lead, then you can sell the treatment during consultation. The most difficult part is to get a lead!

You have to give prospective patients a reason to call! If you do this, you can build a database of qualified prospects who respond to your offer, then proactively educate them. So when they are ready to see a new dentist, they will choose your practice.

3) You are NOT Famous

Truth be told… You are NOT FAMOUS. The most important part of any marketing piece is the headline. Unless your name is Apple, Starbucks or Nike, your practice’s name and logo will not attract prospective patients. So make sure to use bold headlines that grabs your prospects’ attention, and make them want to keep reading.

4) Key People

Where is your business by? is it in a shopping plaza? a building? Regardless of the place, you always have Key people around your business. These are other businesses that may be able to refer you thousands of new patients! Learn what is around you! talk to them! become friends!

5) Educate Prospect Patients.

Provide educational information that will be of interest to prospective patients. Give them tips and ideas they can benefit from immediately instead of just a list of your services or credentials. Tell prospective patients what to look for when choosing a dentist, how to take care of their teeth, the benefits of using an electric toothbrush, or how flossing will affect their health. Education-based marketing will ensure that your marketing is perceived as valuable rather than as just more annoying advertising.

6) Referrals

One patient could grow your entire practice! Always try to see if they can recommend other people to your practice.

“If you have family or friend and they need need dental services, tell them to say your name, i’ll take care of them”

7) Ask for Reviews!

Ask and you shall receive! It is not unethical to ask for reviews. Talk to your front desk. There are always ways to get more reviews.

Of course, do not say “leave us a review when you have time”

but instead, try to connect with the patient first! “How was your experience?” They will let you know on the moment, after that just say “I am glad you had a good experience, are you on social media? Facebook? Google?” If yes, “Could you please share your experience? We are trying to grow our social media network to keep our patients informed”