Dental SEO


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Get your dental practice found by adding Dental SEO, Listing Optimization, and Review Management Strategies.

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Dental SEO

How Can Dental Practices benefit from SEO

Google is the high street of digital space. It is where everyone comes looking for products and services. A strong digital marketing strategy needs an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plan, which is crucial to the success of all businesses in today’s world. If your website does not show up in the first pages in relevant Google, Bing, and Yahoo searches, your patient acquisition costs will be very high.

Dental SEO is the process of improving your Dental Clinic Website’s position on search results – by doing things that Google, Bing, and Yahoo consider positively while deciding on search rankings. This includes keywords planning, which is understanding which phrases, keywords, and search words the prospective patients use when they are looking for your service. Also, website content management, which is making sure your website structure, text, image names, etc show that it is relevant to those keywords, and also creating relevant backlinks to confirm that your website is important. Your websites should also load fast and be mobile-friendly – for which we strongly recommend that you get a great website before doing SEO.

Dental SEO is about getting a large number of patients to your website without spending money on Ads. It is vital to make sure we get the right kind of visitors who will ultimately convert into patients.

As you are aware that millions of individuals make use of these search engines to seek answers to their questions, these search engine results are used to proffer solutions as they are considered to be of genuine sources. Using dental SEO strategies will ensure your dental practice show up on the first or second page of popular search engines like Google. This will also drive more traffic to your website and bring more leads that will become loyal clients to your brand. Website optimization entails the editing of content, concentration of page titles, site’s link, original content, and backlinks.

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Benefits of Dental SEO

  • Plays a significant role in the marketing of dental services and attracting the right demographic for your clinic.
  • Ensure your website ranks higher on search engines than your competitors in the same location.
  • It makes your business visible to prospective patients.
  • Enhance your online presence.
  • It helps your dental practice to be exposed to the right clientele as it utilizes targeted keywords.
  • Drives website traffic, which generates patient leads to your practice.
  • Builds confidence in your existing patients and introduces your practice to new patients.

Advantages of Dental SEO for your Practice

DENTAL SEO – GeekBoost

Our Premium Dental SEO service allows you to take access to our GeekBoost Software!

What is GeekBoost?
Our GeekBoost Software takes control of over 85 Local Listings putting you on top of the search results when people looking for your services locally.

How does it work?
Our Built-In Knowledge Management is your centralized hub for all the data that defines your dental practice.

GeekBoost supports more than 50 information fields, from Practice name, address, and phone to payment methods, search categories, holiday hours, product and services, menu lists, biographies, pictures, and location-specific offers, right out of the box.

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Optimize Your Listings
Google is the most prominent provider of search, maps, and apps, but manually updating your digital knowledge can be a painful process. Thanks to GeekBoost’s integration with Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yelp and many other Local Listings, you can make your updates directly on our platform, then publish them at any time.

Make Yourself Visible
Having the right information across the web is the key to get found by new clients. GeekBoost allows you to add specific categories, keywords, and other vital information that will let search engines you provide those services.

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